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The Power of Gratitude and Benevolence in Achieving a Fulfilling Life.

If we strive to live a more content, balanced, confident, and fulfilling life according to our dreams and goals and to have valuable, happy, and fulfilling relationships (be it with colleagues, friends, family, or life partners), then we cannot avoid two central attitudes: gratitude and benevolence. Find out why in this article.

Gratitude and a benevolent attitude toward life are attitudes that can confidently be regarded as supreme disciplines. They bring obvious positive impulses into your life. Additionally, at first glance, they also manifest less obvious, fundamentally positive impulses that are no less decisive in allowing love, happiness, abundance, and wealth to flow into your life.

The daily challenges

You probably know this in a more or less pronounced way: There are plenty of situations, ongoing circumstances, or people in your everyday life that can trigger dissatisfaction in you or drive you up the wall. Your partner doesn't help out around the house as much as you would like, your children get on your nerves with their behavior, your neighbor talks at you, traffic is tedious, your boss stresses you out, there's a customer at the checkout who seems to take half an hour to pay for his two items. Or, for example, you have no family at all and no job, and that makes you unhappy, perhaps even feel envious of other people who supposedly have it better than you, you name it.

Changing the focus

It is often very easy for us to lose sight of the good, the abundance, and the often hidden wealth in our lives and to experience our lives as a series of impositions and obstacles, thus consolidating and increasing our feelings of unhappiness, lack, and dissatisfaction.

It helps to consciously put things back into perspective at least once in a while and not lose sight of the big picture: If you are upset about your partner or your children: it means you have a family. If your boss is stressing you out: it means that you have a job and can earn a living for yourself and your loved ones. If your neighbor or a colleague at work annoys you: it means that you live in a social environment and have the opportunity to interact with your fellow human beings, which is very important for our mental health and can often lead to new impulses and ideas, if only you are willing to look for them. If you don't have a job or a family: it means that you have a wealth of resources at your disposal to discover yourself and your true dreams and goals, to fall in love with yourself, to reinvent yourself and thus create the basis for discovering all the many doors and opportunities in your life that are open to you and, last but not least, to create the basis for other people to fall in love with you.

This is not about accepting life circumstances that do not make you happy, or simply putting up with people in your life who are not good for you or not well-disposed towards you. It is not about remaining at a standstill, having to accept everything and not wanting to change anything, even though you feel unfulfilled. It's also not about telling you to stop getting upset and suppress your emotions and feelings. These are and remain legitimate and are always valuable indicators in your life. It is about consciously and sincerely being grateful for the small and big things in your life, and through a benevolent view of your fellow human beings and your everyday situations, to occasionally soften your often loud emotional lens, which is focused on lack and negative feelings, to bring things back into an objective and realistic perspective and to rediscover the immense abundance of love, wealth, and opportunities that constantly surround you.

Try to think of the positive aspects every day and express sincere gratitude for the small and big things in your life (whether quietly or in other ways that seem appropriate to you). Be grateful every now and then when the sun appears on the horizon in the morning, giving us all life and energy. What a miracle this already is! When was the last time you marveled at it? Or about the beautiful nature? Or about the incredible things that we humans invent and create and that enrich our lives in our very own way? Be grateful every now and then when you have clean running water, enough food and a roof over your head, because you already live in more abundance and wealth than many other people. Always be grateful if you live in a country where there is no war and where you have the framework, laws, and security to develop and realize your individuality, beliefs, conscience, and individual dreams, because you live in more abundance and wealth than many other people. Be sincerely grateful for the wonderful, loving people you have by your side, be it your partner, your children, parents, friends, etc. Show this gratitude from time to time! Be grateful for the material things in your life that bring you joy or make your life easier, instead of always seeing them as givens and ignoring them. All these things listed, and many more in our lives, are proof of the infinite abundance, love, and wealth that life, the universe, offer us. It is worth making yourself aware of this every now and then.

Practice treating people and situations in your life with goodwill. If your partner doesn't behave exactly the way you want them to: they are just as valuable and unique an individual as you are, with their own weaknesses, strengths, and character traits. And if he strives to the best of his knowledge and belief with his abilities and qualities to contribute in his own way and with his love to a functioning family or relationship, you already have a wonderful person by your side who also deserves to experience love and gratitude from you - of course, the same applies vice versa for you. Always try to look at other people or situations in a similar way with benevolence: without neglecting your own needs, opinions, and boundaries, you can still always try to see behind every social interaction the person who, just like you, is dealing with their worries, fears, feelings, and emotions, shortcomings, baggage, expectations, dreams, goals, etc., and is most certainly, just like you, always striving to be a righteous, good person, to achieve their dreams, while struggling with the similar challenges in everyday life.

And, it may surprise you at this point: you should also look at yourself with the same gratitude and goodwill as we should do with our fellow human beings or life circumstances.

Looking at or reacting to situations, people, and yourself with goodwill does not mean having to accept everything, but it does lead to more appropriate, confident, and better decisions in every respect, which in turn will have a positive impact on your life.

"Gratitude and Benevolence means becoming aware of the true abundance of your experience, honoring and embracing its infinite love and dignity, means acknowledging and receiving abundance and love. This attitude will create even more abundance and love in your life." The Founder of MindRegain


Gratitude and goodwill, these attitudes of mind not only put our view of things back into perspective and ensure that we feel more balanced, fulfilled, and satisfied and open our eyes again to the abundance and opportunities in our lives. And they not only ensure that we become more understanding and confident in our dealings with others and ourselves. According to the law of attraction, these attitudes of mind actually also ensure that even more love, abundance, wealth, and opportunities find their way into our lives.

Just give it a try. It's worth it!

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